In any combat situation, possible body weapons include short jabs and elbows, knees and hand strikes. The key to winning any confrontation or street struggle is to be aggressive and focus on attacking the opponent's key points in order to end the battle as quickly as possible.
One way to achieve this is to focus on the most important areas or pressure points of your opponent. The body is divided into three main parts: high, medium and low. Each section contains important goals. The impact of combating these goals can be cruel. In this article, let's take a look at the pressure points in the middle section. The middle portion extends from the shoulder to the area directly above the buttocks. Most of the blows to important parts of the area are not fatal, but can cause serious long-term complications, including trauma, internal organs and spinal cord injuries. The attack area may include:
[1] Axillary fossa. Each underarm has a large nerve close to the skin. This nerve attack can cause severe pain and partial paralysis. The knife inserted into the armpit is fatal because it cuts off the main artery that passes through the heart.
[2] The spine. A blow to the spine may cut the spinal cord, causing paralysis or death.
[3] Heart. A slight blow to the heart may stun the opponent and allow time for follow-up or completion techniques.
[4] Diaphragm. A blow to the underside of the ribs may cause the diaphragm and other muscles that control breathing to relax. This can lead to respiratory disorders and may result in loss of consciousness due to respiratory failure.
[5] Kidney. A powerful blow to the kidneys can cause shock and may cause internal injuries to these organs. Stabbing the kidney can cause immediate shock and may result in death from severe internal bleeding.
[6] biceps. The strike on the biceps is the most painful and makes the arm ineffective. The biceps are a particularly good target when the opponent holds the weapon.
[7] nipples. A huge neural network passes through the skin near the nipple. A single stroke here can cause extreme pain and bleeding to many of the blood vessels below.
[8] The abdomen below the navel. A strong impact on the underside of the navel and over the groin may cause shock, confusion, and internal bleeding.
[9] The back of the hand. The back of the hand is sensitive. As the nerve passes through the bones in the hand, the impact on the area is very painful. The small bones on the back of the hand are easily broken, and such a blow will also invalidate the hand.
[10] Floating ribs. The blow to the floating ribs easily breaks them because they are not attached to the rib skeleton. The fractured rib on the right side may cause internal damage to the liver; the ribs on both sides may pierce or collapse the lungs.
Effectively confronting the body's weapons against the opponent's important points is critical to the outcome of a victory in a freehand struggle.
Orignal From: Ten intermediate human body pressure points for self-defense
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