Sunday, May 26, 2019

Police Self-Defense Training - What is the best martial arts for law enforcement officers (LEO)?

Considering that they have their own police tactical plans, the police do not seem to need to look for martial arts training. However, many LEOs know that the police strategy they are learning is only part of the training they need.

For many different reasons, law enforcement officers' defensive tactical training has not done enough to meet the needs of today's frontline officers, leading many to seek martial arts training programs. Then the problem becomes...

"Which martial arts is best for LEO?

The truth is that although all martial arts have their strengths and weaknesses, a large part of this equation is actually concentrated on coaches who teach specific systems. And, while many systems are not themselves suitable for training police - especially street police - almost every style is available.

I will talk about "instructor factors" in another article. For now, I want to focus on a particular style that must be able to provide a capable and prepared LEO if he or she is ready and able to handle today's suspects, perpetrators, and even injured victims who panic or The state of confusion is slamming.

When considering any type of training, LEO must consider two main considerations. Again, this article does not address the "instructor factor", which will add a third consideration.

The two main considerations related to martial arts "style" include:

1] Responsibility and compliance with the principle of the use of force, and...

2] Strategic and tactical control of as many situations and scenarios as possible

The first consideration - the use of force and legal liability cannot be ignored by today's professional police officers. Because even in the face of rioters who spit and physically violent, LEO and its actions must undergo the most rigorous scrutiny – both internally and outside the department in which they work.

From this perspective, the police must be very careful not to fool themselves into believing that they can escape the barbaric behavior and techniques used in the MMA sports arena, or the "harder" form of martial arts that many people suggest and support.

However, as said; the police who take themselves seriously, their partners and the safety of the people they want to protect, can't tend to be too passive systems, take too long to "master", or leave a blank system in training The failure to deal with the necessary and common situations of regular processing.

It is this "integrity" that makes the martial arts of Ninju is more prominent. Moreover, although many people, including those trained today in the field of art, believe that Ninjutsu - the armed and unarmed self-protection system of the ancient Japanese ninja family - is as depicted in the film, art is actually a very comprehensive The system can be adapted to any team that needs specific skills or operates in a specific area.

Again, this does not mean that any other system cannot be used to assist officials in obtaining certain skills in the street. But if LEO is looking for skills, technology, strategies and strategies...

1] Use psychological control techniques to reduce the situation and prevent it from "going to the body"

2] Individuals who control, restrain and subdue violence quickly and easily

3] Use and defend against criminals who hold guns

4] Prevent nightclub attacks and improve the proficiency of police sticks

5] Teamwork skills, control and arrest of dangerous people

6] Defensive grab, wrestling or steal attack

7] Use pressure points to control aggressive people

8] Unarmed defense against attackers equipped with knives or other weapons

9] Multiple attackers defend against backups that have not yet arrived

10] and others...

While maintaining professional hosting and presence...

Then Ninjutsu is the best choice because it has all of this and serves the professional law enforcement officers of the 21st century.

Orignal From: Police Self-Defense Training - What is the best martial arts for law enforcement officers (LEO)?

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